Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Cantina

A video I made a LONG LONG time ago in a galaxy not so fat away.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

VERY, VERY, VERY Important Update on A Darkened War

Recently we have made a new site and there is a blog section but it just takes you back here. Now, the important news is one lets start at the beginng.

First off I filmed A Darkened War but I felt like at the end there was something missing. So I Re-Filmed it but again there was something missing that made the movie good.

It was the COMEDY of it. There was not one scene with a funny part too it which made the movie suck so I am re-filming it but before I started I went on my NEW website and went to look at my online polls.

At first I didnt think any one would vote and all cause it seems like know one ever does. But I was wrong,  The question was: Should A Darkened War be a series or a movie. Well,  decided after seeing that out of the many votes I got, NO one voted for Movie. So, To make the fans happy we have decided to make A Darkened War a Series.

I can't tell you how many episodes there will  be cause  really don't know so stay tuned cause the first episode will be out this month.

WARNING: The New Program I have is kinda tricky and i'm not sure how to change the frame rate on the effects so I might use something different that doesnt look quiet as good.

Till next time,


Monday, September 15, 2008

A Darkened War Update

A Darkened War recently was completely Filmed but I went threw and watched it....THERE WAS A LOT OF FLAWS TOO IT!

So, I am in the middle of filming it now and its going A LOT Better. I am in at the beginning. Its still a pretty long movie, so by the time in finished filming the movie will be 1 Hour and 30 minutes.

I Can't tell you a date yet but I'm hoping to release it by October 31st so it will come out on Halloween but I don't know. This movie gets scary after a while but its not too bad.

The people that are in this movie so far are:

Matt (Uchihaman87) 








And My Self

If I forgot anyone I'm sorry I don't think I did. Well thats all the people that are going to be in A Darkened War.

Also if any of you know where I can find any Halo 1 or Halo 2 Figures that would be awesome. If you do know where and comment telling me your name will be featured in A Darkened War and it will be greatly apprisitated (Spelling)

I checked E-Bay but all I found were Halo 3s and in my oppion I think the Halo 3 Figures are Crappy as hell.

Well please tell me if you know. Also if you'd like to every ask me anything like where I get my figures or something look at my description box on my YouTube page.

Another thing is if you havent seen the trailer for A Darkened War yet here's the link:


Videos of the Week:

Burning Rebellion Epi. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlw155Nr2Ig

Spartans!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlw155Nr2Ig

Surprise Attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Miib5IKvpZ0&feature=related

Halo: Fall Of Flood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zHLMSMV33o&feature=related

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

@^%$&^&#&@$*&#***#@&&**@GGGGGGGGGG..........He's Here.......

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GGGGGGG                                                            GGGGG

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

9 More Days Till.....

9 More Day till..........Guess? Its starts with a HD and ends with a Webcam lol. Yes I am getting (Hopefully) My HD Webcam and the effects program. 

In 9 days me and my friends will be Drinking Gatorade and Playing Halo 3 on live till dawn. Now thats not a promise to those of you who played XBL with me in the past.

Recently my 360 has completely messed up and I can't play anything. Well thanks to the "Teh Awesomeness" of Crash he says he is going to bring his 360 over and I got the Wireless internet connector.

Then he has Halo 3, Soul Calibur and Lego Star Wars (One and Two) So all of which we will be playing. Also to add onto that if you join my game on Halo 3 and you can't seem to find where i'm at and then you do and i'm driving in the dunes.....and I won't stop......its cause.


I will be on XBL next Saturday, Spartan - D27 and Crash will be playing Live with me and also TheLindy will.

We will most likely be playing the following:



Team Slayer

Rofl Ball


Duel Of Fates and more.

The people I will be hanging out with the most are the following:








and others.

I hope to see you all there and so we can Rofl the night away. Till next time this has been,

Soulgun117 or Shotgun117

Saturday, August 23, 2008


This guy is "Teh Awesomeness" Check his videos out ASAP if you want i'm very impressed with his videos. He is working on a movie and we are working on a series together on star Wars Reviews.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Matt's Site

http://www.freewebs.com/avampiricshadeproductions/index.htm Please check it out were not going to use E.Co. Studios.com any more cause no one goes there and I never go there to edit anything so if you want E.Co. News you can go there or come to this Blog.Spot cause I edit the Blogger a lot. But like dates for new movies and series are there, Forums are there and more. Please check it out till next time,


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Soul Calibur IV Game Review

Soul Calibur IV Review!

Soul Calibur IV is the next genaration of all the other Soul Caliburs. This one by far would have to be my favorite.

The characters are amazing and when you finally get to play as the Apprentice it is AWESOME. Nightmare sounds SICK in this game and is a good character to pick when your playing Survival or something.

The NEW Make your own suit thing is awesome. The things me and one of my friends have made on there are awesome.

At the moment I do NOT own the game my friend brought his 360 and Soul Calibur IV over. Those of you who played Xbox Live with me I will be getting a 360 in december.

Thats all for now but I give this game a 5/5. Nice job Namco.


P.S. Check out Gruntboy4's Blog.Spot if you want just go to his page and you'll see a link the is a blog.spot link.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


For my Shotgun117 account..I have had it for 1 year now. As for my old accounts that I deleted.

Nitsua95 - 2 and a half years

Speeder117 - 1 year and a half

Thats how it is for them. Well I might make a video today...I might not. I don't know I still gotta clean up my room.

But that shouldnt take me too long. I probable won't acctually cause I don't want to make a new video till September which at the rate this month is going.

That shouldnt be to long from now. Anyways, PLEASE check out these 2. THERE AWESOME!

Z3Ro's Blog.Spot - http://z3roreviews.blogspot.com/

CloackKnight's Jason and Pete's TV - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbXkDnBhkiA

Also PLEASE check out the blog below this about A Darkened War. 

A Darkened War Update.

This might be the GREASTEST NEWS EVER! I went to Best Buy yesterday to show my Mom what I wanted for my Birthday.

So She thought it would be a good idea to look for any spiecial effects programs while were here. (Rewind) I hadn't gotten Adobe and I was about to till I relized....ITS LIKE 570$!

I thought that was riduclous and I was in a sad mood the day I learned that. Then yesterday while I was looking around and the spiecial effects programs a Best Buy employee asked me if I needed any help.

I asked him what the best Video effects program was here and he said this one program. I don't know but the program is written down at the top of my birthday list.

The thing was that I loved about the program was ITS ONLY 130$! So Thats what i'm asking for...and when I put stuff at the very top I normally get that thing at the top of the list so no worries.

They had also lowered the price of the HD Webcam from 100$ to 70$ which I find wierd. Anyways I guess thats all for now.

See ya,


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Darkened War Update

Sorry, I have not updated lately. I just haven't really thought too. Well there's some cool news. A Darkened War's script and screenplay is almost complete.

I made a rough draft a long time ago and now i'm working on the completed one, the final draft. Um, so far from the actors view and my own.

Its pretty much a Horror/Action/Drama. There's parts that are really scary and intense. Its VERY bloody and gory.

I'd have to say just by estimating that this movie will be rated R. Thats what i'm thinking and its kinda wierd too.

I never thought I would go past the rating of PG-13 but I don't know it could be I still gotta get Krazyjones oppion.

The movie I can just tell you will be long. Like not boring, but its going to be like an hour or so. I know I said that for the last one but the script for A Shadowed War was 10 pages and the scipt and screen play for this is almost 30 pages and growing.

I don't keep the Screenplay and Script on 2 different projects. I keep them both together. Anyways I might become a YouTube Partner in the future.

They said my videos werent as good yet but that I had potential. So my goal is to get a WHOLE lot better and get better equipment.

I NOW HAVE A JOB! I get paid 40$ a week. I'm so happy, I will be using most of my money. No all my money for movies now.

So, I'm pretty happy and now with this job and the money i'm getting my movies will be getting a WHOLE lot better.

Thats all for now. Till next time,


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

E.Co. Update

Well, Not much to update about. If you havent noticed I've been getting into Transformers. So, look out for some Transformations to E.Co.

A Darkened War was annouced for November 1st. WHY SO LONG!? Cause it is going to take me some time to get Adobe After Effects, My HD camera, My NEW portable Camera.

And I wouldnt be able to get these things till September and then I got to film which will take my a little bit.

The once i'm done with filming there will be so many Effects that I have to put in and it kinda takes a bit before you can finish a good effect.

I am proud to say I am done with the whole Drama and have been done with Grunt Productions, PIP and Gameprince.

I'm starting to think I just shouldnt even talk to any of you on YouTube any more cause it sometimes starts Drama.

You can brag on my page, you can yell at me on my page but I will just remove it. I have said before that I don't care what people think of my videos but thats changing.

I care what YouTube thinks of my videos, I care what people think of them when there going threw listing of my videos or my videos that relate to others.

I've gotten comments that I copy Snowbordr and he should have made Spartans Vs. Clones. Well, I say too you that you are just a SVB fan and I can tell you that Snowbordr would probable NOT make another Stop-Motion.

Thats all I got to say,

Thanks to all the subscibers,


Friday, July 25, 2008

An E.Co. Studios Ghost Story

There once was a man named Harold Carter, he was married to a buetiful young lady named Shirley.

Shirley loved to dance to music all the time. She always litsened to this one song that would go "Dum didi dum didi dum dum dum daa" over and over again.

Her husband Harlold could not stand that noise. The first time he loved the sing and would dance with her.

But she litsened to it every day now and it got old. Harold went to her and asked "Can we play a new song?"

She would always say "No! I have got the perfect dance to this one, I will not change the song." Harold sat there forced to litsen to the same song again and again.

Harold finally got up and went to the bar to drink a few beers. But he got really drunk there and stormed out of the bar in angry.

His buddy Tim tryed to stop him from going back home but was stabbed to death by Harold. Harold got in his car and drove off.

He drove right into the garage door knocking it down. He stormed out of it with a mess of blood from when he killed Tim and stormed into his house.

She was dancing and he could hear the "Dum Didi Dum didi dum dum dum" and he slammed the door agaisnt the wall of the room she danced in with his bloody knife.

She screamed and almost fainted but caught herself. She looked over at one of the records she never played and threw it at the light in the room.

The lights went out and Harold couldnt see anything but Shirley couldnt eiether. Shirley felt around till she found the couch in the room and hid under the couch.

Harold felt around till he found the lamp in the room and turned it on. It lightened up the entire room and he looked around.

He then saw her little feet poking out from under the couch and went over and slowly started to cut at her.

Then after she was just little pieces he put the pieces under the floor of the dance room. He went to sleep and woke up the next morning and saw blood on his hands.

He then heard "Dum Didi dum didi dum dum dum" and got up out of his bed to see that the record player that he broke was playing and there was a cold feel in the room.

He saw a blue mist. The mist reminded him of his wifes perfume. He then turned around and saw her standing there.

and she had his knife......

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Something I forgot in the last update.

Oh, Ok. I forgot this but we read over the script and the movie is basically a Action/Drama/Adventure.

So, thats what its going to be.

Thanks to all the people that have subscibed and supported us.

and thanks to all the guys who help me at E.Co. Studios.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Update, E3, YouTube and more...

Ok, I do still litsen to PIP podcasts even though they stopped talking to me. I laughed at a lot of the parts where they talked about me. 

I know I should probable hate them for that but I am not. I am leaving them alone and moving on while I watch Jesse die.

...2 Beanies one cup....That would be wierd and....just wierd lol. Also A lot of my fans have been wanting to spam Snowbordr and Gameprince.

What tha hell. Jeezzz people no offense but seriously leave them alone. They will make you crap yourself by the amount of ownage if you try.

I regret doing the Stranger thing and you will too if you do it. Do what ever the hell you want with Keelord I don't give a crap.

Try not to flame him. I hate him but still, don't be like him. Anyways getting out of that subject. I have to say something that ive wanted to say for awhile.

Gruntboy, no offense but it IS like watching paint dry. I can never tell what is what. Hell I don't even watch your videos any more.

No offense but your videos suck more then mine. Yes, I just said that my videos suck cause they really do.

Thats where I go out with this annoucment. I wanted it a secret but decided not to. I am getting Adobe After Effects.

I don't want A Darkened War to suck. The script is full proof. I hopefully will be getting HD webcam for my B-day.

The voice won't suck and more importantly the Stop-Motion won't suck anymore. My secret video was cancelled do to the fact that I am to busy with A Darkened War.

I have been working on the sets for A Darkened War for like the past 3 days. I stopped cause the Spray paint was giving me a head ache and a cough.

I even wore a mask so it wouldnt get in my face but it still did. You will notice that one of the sets is VERY familar.

Also I am trying to impress Snowbordr and Gameprince along with all the SVB fans with A Darkened War so that I won't be known as the "Shitty video guy".

I am acctually doing most of the stuff for this movie. INCLUDING THE EFFECTS FINALLY! The only thing that I am having help with is the voices for the characters.

I am also going to buy a voice changer program that my friend showed me so I can have deep and Robotic voices.

I am watching a lot of Adobe Tutorials so I am prepared. I am going to watch another after this. Oh yea.

Some one asked me how my new move was. Um, tell ya the truth it ROCKS. The only crappy problem is that my computer is screwed up.

It won't pick up my internet and when it does the internet sucks. I am constantly disconnected. I REALLY hate Comcast.

Another question that I have yet to answer is What will you do after A Darkened War? 

Well when I finished A Shadowed War I was trying to think if I should make a sequel or not and I thought it over even during the filming of A Shadowed War epi. 10.

Yea, that far back. The answer that came to me was answered after A Shadowed War The Movie by the vice president Matt.

Matt had never seen A Shadowed War except once and he didnt get into it and I don't blame him. 

Then the movie got a lot of hype cause of Snowbordr helping me that he saw it. He thought the script was good and the effects (By PIP) were awesome.

So he teamed up to help me and we decided to make this. He is playing Shade in this movie. Shade is a secret character I am just going to tell you his name, nothing about him though.

Ok, about E3 is I am very excited for Fallout 3, Halo Wars, God Of War 3, Soul Calibur 4, and others.

I thought it was retarded that Sony said that "2008 is the year of the PS3" I disagree it is the year for the 360 to me.

The Wii had nothing good, I mean the sword thing was cool but Wii music, no. Just not really good to me.

I know "Your just a microsoft fan!" I don't like Microsoft very much but the 360 is AMAZING. I am defintlly going to try to get my 360 up and working again. I've been having troubles with the disc reader.

Oh! Resident Evil 5 looked like the most sickly amazing game. The racist thing that went down with Resident Evil 5 was bull to me.

Snowbordr even talked about it. Oh! Gears of War 2! My god when I saw the meat shields I pissed myself at the site of that.

That was sick! Also the Flame thrower in Gears was beastly. I just said Beastly....I just litsened to there podcast give me a break lol.

Oh. The people who have been asking me if they can be in E.Co. Studios. Yes, but only if you have a GOOD mic, MSN, The new version of MSN, and if your a good actor.

Then you can be in. We don't really need more voice for A Darkened War but if you want we could try to find you a part.

Umm, I also wanted to bring up the fact about people on YouTube that send me videos. I will not watch the freakin AMVs you send me so Stop.

I get so pissed cause I get no joke like 1,745 AMVs. The only thing that I get thats any good from some one is the clone videos that people make with there Clone figures.

I like those. But stop sending me AMVs, the next person to send me a AMv is getting removed and any one who does will be removed cause I am not going to freakin watch them.

Anyways, I'd just like to give a shout out to people who have been sticking out for me and watching my videos, supporting me. Thanks guys.

And also people at E.Co. Studios who are helping out a lot like, Matt, Devon, Crash, Petar, Zero and Josh.

Thanks guys your the best.

Till the next update,

This has been Shotgun117

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Darkened War Update

53 days from this date I will start filming! How do I know that, I use google. Ha! Ha! Well anyways when I get my HD camera..

the filming will start September 10th and it shall be awesome. How ever we might start on the 9th depends on if i'm partying or not.

There's a 135% chance I will be but just incase at the beginning we might. Also to add were not going to be making Avalache III or The Life Of Darth Cye till after A Darkened War.

Anyways, another thing is we on the 9th now that I remember were filming "Nachos The Movie 5" I don't know if you guys will like it.

But tell ya the truth I don't really care. Its a video that we made last August cause we wanted to do something Random and funny.

Like it, Hate it. Were going to make it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What I Think Is Going To Happen In The Dark Knight.

I think Harvey Dent is going to turn into two face after the Joker dies. Well thats what I think anyways, later.

P.S. we might not make Darth Cye or Avalanche, I don't comment me if your disagree.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Update and other stuff.

Ok. I was trying to update in the last one but that was just a thing telling you to vote on the polls. Ok, this is about A Darkened War and other stuff.

A Darkened War is going well, but we have not started filming yet and we won't till September 10th.

Matt the vice president is excited to start work on the movie. Crash is Co-President now which is cool.

Anyways A Darkened War has a REALLY long script so it will be awhile before the filming ends. Then I might be getting a program so I can FINALLY do all the effects myself.

I hate asking people to do stuff for me I feel useless when I do that. I'm thinking of releasing A Darkened War on November 1st.

That way it will be released on the Anniversary of the series. Mod Rod might be cancelled do to the fact that we can't make the series.

My 360's disc reader broke so I can't play Halo 3. There is a secret video coming out soon I just have to film a little more then put voices in.

Then I gotta figure out why the heck this internet won't work on my computer. Then you will be shocked at what the secret video is.

Its not a vlog or anything. Its a movie but its kinda short. Well anyways in September on the 9th we will be filming all the scenes for the last and final:

Nachos The Movie 5: The End Of Our Adventure. It is the last one and the longest hopefully. It will be released on September 17th.

Also we have just started working on the remake of an old Movie called Avalanche. I know that sounds really retarded but its a funny movie.

It was one of the first movies I made using Master Mcgee so I hope you injoy it. Its going to be called Avalanche III.

Its acting as the sequel to the 2nd one and will hopefully be good. Anyways thats it one more thing though.

The Life Of Darth Cye will be released sometime in August. But those to "The Life Of Darth Cye" and "Avalanche III"

Will stop for a little bit due to A Darkened War then they will continue after A Darkened War. Thats all for now till next time.

Thanks to all the subscibers and fans,


Vote Now.

I have set a voting pole for if A Darkened War should be a Action/Adventure, Comedy or Drama. E.Co. Studios is most likely going to pick Action/Adventure.

I mean there might be a joke here and there but its not going to be a parody movie. Also another thing is that we are thinking about releasing A Darkened War The Movie around November or so.

Were still thinking about how long it will take to do the effects, Stop-Motion, getting the sets ready, distractions and school.

So it might take us awhile. The Stop-Motion will be a bit harded seeings how I have set it to a different frama rate but I recently have been testing my Stop-motion skills with the new frama rate and its not to different.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Epic LOL Of The Day Is.....

The Idiots Of Garry's Mod II. I've watched this guys videos for awhile but havent seen one quite as funny as this one.

Check it out on YouTube when you get the chance this has been My Epic LOL Of The Day by Shotgun117


Today, is a day.......a Holiday....and its.....E.CO. STUDIOS! E.Co. Studios randomly annouced today (Right now) that today would be E.Co. Studios day. 

This day is reserved so companys like Grunt Productions and others can't randomly say that today (THE SAME DAY AS OURS) is there Companys Holiday.

For Today we MIGHT release the first of 8 episodes for a new series. I can't say the name but it will remind you of the good old days.

Also were annoucing the other new series "The Life Of Darth Cye" the series is a remake of an old E.Co. Studios movie called "The Emperial Show meets Secret Agent Cye."  

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVVXPiODBW8 thats the link to the old Movie. The other thing were doing on E.Co. Studio's Holiday is making a party date for August 9th as the E.Co. Studios Anniversary.

We will have a huge party as this is are first celebration for an E.Co. Studios Anninversary. Please do not take this date as your company's anniversary enless it ACCTUALLY IS.

Anyways happy E.Co. Studios day and i'm sure you can't wait for 1. The new series 2. The Life Of Darth Cye 3. A Darkened War.

Thanks for subscibing and watching fans,


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Darkened War Update.

Well, I am moving into my other house cause Comcast screwed up my internet at the house that i'm at right now, my step-dad drives me up the walls, I can just stick my dog in the fenced in area where he can't get out then have to get chased by a Pycho Dash hound.

This house is peaceful and I don't have to hear a loud mouth step dad across the house and his LOUD tv.

My kittens are here where I can play with them any time I want. I'm home alone most of the time now due to my Moms job.

Things are looking up here at E.Co. Studios TM and I can't wait to get everything into the house. Also my room is SO comfortable.

I got my TV where I can record my shows and watch any movie I want accept the rated R one unforuntaly.

Anyways thats all for you and thank you to all the fans.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I decided if you want links to some other E.Co. Studios stuff:

The Website: http://www.freewebs.com/shotgun117/

Our Podcasts: http://ashadowedwar.mypodcast.com/index.html

Friday, July 4, 2008


..................................................................................Isnt nothing awesome.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on A Darkened War.

A Darkened War....ummm. There's not much to tell you about. There is a lot of saddness to it and we had a script but I tossed it.

The first script was a dud. So Now I am working on a new script. so far I have 18 pages and i'm only in the middle of the movie.

Anyways, this movie just to tell ya is going to be extremely long. Possibly and hour to and hour and 30 minutes.

I know. I know. "didnt he say that last time and it was only like 23 minutes." I know yes but the script for A Shadowed War The Movie was only 10 pages long.

The script for this movie is 18 pages so far and i'm only in the middle of the movie. WOW! Anyways thats all I can update you on till next time.


All The People That Work At E.Co. Studios

Shotgun117 - President

Matt (Uchihaman87) - Vice President

Crash - Actor/Director/Idea guy

Noobie0003 - Actor/Director/Idea guy

Zero - Actor

FarmerNM - Actor

DarkWarrior - Actor

TheCrossMan - Actor

TheLindy - Camera assistant

MisaMisa - Idea helper

Spartan D-67 - A Shadowed War Comics

JoshxIsxDead - Actor

ScareCrow - Actor/Director/Idea guy

Krazyjones9 - Sister/Idea helper

Unit J.I.L.L. - Sister/ Idea Helper/ Actor

Devon - Camera man/ Director/ Idea Helper/ Actor

Cabloob - Idea Helper/ Director

Friday, June 27, 2008


Ok so i'm here working on scripts and watching Home Movies (Not HOME MOVIES but that show about the kids who go threw life makin movies on there camera...Nevermind)

So I pause and think, what if Area 51 doesnt have aliens and acctually thats just a fake. They use that place for us.

We acctually live forever and when we die, we acctually just take a long nap and during that nap the goverment comes in threw a portal and takes you to Area 51 which is a retirement home.

They replace your body with a stiff Maniken. That has organs (God made it) and so when your there, you do all the stuff you love.

God is the guy who runs Area 51 and when Athiest dies he looks at god and says "I knew I shouldnt have litsen to that homeless guy."

(I have nothing agaisnt Athiests) Then when you die and you have sinned and stuff like that. Like your a murderor you go to Area 52.

There you live with your fellow serial killers. Anyways if this acctually happens.....Woah.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Legend Of Zelda Review

The Legend Of Zelda: I think this was the first game I had ever played.
It has the best Story line that ive ever seen to a game.
In my opinion this game has to be the best game ive played.
The Graphics are excellelent in The Twilight Princess.
I give it a 50/50.

Matt is here!

Hello, I am the vice-president of E.Co. Studios. I am also actor/co-director in our series in the making "Mod Rod" and "The Storm". I just thought I would post this to explain that Shotgun has a great partner who won't betray him...yet. Lol, just kidding.

My Review on Soul Calibur II

Soul Calibur II: Soul Calibur was a legendary game for E.Co. cause if I had never played this game Crash and I wouldnt have made E.Co. Studios.
(E.Co. Info: Crash Apoligized and is being rehired) This game had some of the best graphics that I had scene on the GameCube and one of the best Story lines.
I am at the edge of my seat for the new installment coming out for the 360. This one featured Link from the Legend Of Zelda games and I am a huge Zelda fan so you know what I thought.
I give Soul Calibur a 5/5

World Of War Craft

OMG! This brings back some memorys! World Of WarCraft was a game I played with my friends when E.Co. Studios started getting into YouTube.
I would play all night long battling creatures and lvling. Till it just got old.
After awhile I got tired of the game and stopped playing but I think about playing it sometimes.
Anyways The graphics in this game were good and the communications with the players were awesome. I really didnt see anything wrong with this game at all so World Of War Craft get a 5/5. Also it goes down as a legendary game for E.Co. do to the fact that it was one of the games that got me into YouTube.

Halo 2 Review

Halo 2: Halo 2 was VERY disapointing to me do to the story line and the maps.
I got very bored with Halo 2 and did'nt like the new multiplayer as much as I did the first one.
I did how ever like the fact that you can play as an Elite and how it features 2 new covanent enemys.
Another thing is the graphics brought the chief to life in this one. The cutscenes were great but didn't get me into the game.
Halo 2 gets a 2/5.

Favorite games part 2

Gears Of War: Gears Of War has one of the best campaigns that ive ever played. I probable wouldnt have been able to beat it if it wasnt for my brother.
In my opinion this almost had a better Story to Halo but I havent decided and won't decide till Gears Of War II.
The Coop is great for 2 friends to play or maybe 2 brothers to play. Its easyier to beat and I suggest it.
Also the multiplayer is REALLY fun cause it reminds me of slayer. And a lot of the time on Gears if i'm playing I don't run into really anoying kids who think there the best player ever.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Favorite Games

All the Katamari games too me are AWESOME! They wierd, funny, and action filled.

Its also like the only GOOD Japanese game I have. Anyways the graphics are pretty well done and ive loved it since I pulled out a PSP and played it for the first time. It gets a 5 "OMG!" outa 5.

Halo 3: Halo 3 has some of the best graphics ive seen. The game features a new type called "Forge" which to me is awesome.

There is also Theatre which is good for Machinimas. The online Matchmaking is fun but bores me.

Also the Story Line to this new one is almost better then the first but not quite. Anyways Halo 3 gets a 4 "ITS THE DEMON!" outa 5

Halo Combat Evovled: In my opinion this one had the best Campaign out of all of them.
The new free online play is awesome its like XBL but out dated lol.
Another cool feature is the new vehicles that are in this one that werent in the one for the Xbox.
I give Halo Combat Evovled a 5 "What a NOOB!" outa 5
Well thats all that I can think of for now but stay tuned for part 2 of this.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Favorite Shows Part 2

I forgot but this one is my all time favorite show: SVB Spartans Vs. Beanies, the reason I like it is cause it reminds me of me and my friends. 2. Its funny and action packed. 3. Jesse always dies which is sooo South Park and I like that show.

and 4. Its Halo.....I mean come on Halo you gotta love it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hey everyone, I decided to do a update for this week. A Darkened War is going well the script has been finished and now were just waiting till September.

Meanwhile were coming out with a movie and a show:

Mod Rod


The Storm

Anyways those are in the making right now. The Script for Mod Rod is pretty much done for the intire series and The Storm is in the making, we just started the script.

I already told you what Mod Rod was about but I did'nt tell you what the Storm is about:

Its about a city called "The City Of Truth and Reconciliation" Its a city that the UNSC built in honor of the Master Chief.

One day in the city a large Storm hits, but not just there. All over the world this one storm hits causing Tornados and what not.

Anyways after the Storm these creatures appear outa no where and start attacking. A group of Civilians start a survival group and might make OR MIGHT NOT!

God People make me mad.

I have delt with a lot of things on YouTube. Like GansterSqu1rell and others but this guy hasnt bothered me he just concerns me.

http://ca.youtube.com/user/Libertarianist this is the link to a guys page on youTube. I Don't like him at all he makes lots of videos on YouTube and hates YouTube.

FAIL! As my friend Devon would say.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Favorite Shows

1. Avatar The Last Airbender: The Reason I like the show so much is cause its not in the modern days and it talks about Elements. It has a lot of Romance in it and not to sound gay I like romance.

It also has a lot of Action and the fact that he is everyones last hope.

2. That 70's Show: The Reason I like this show is cause its in the 70s and I quite like the 70s and I wish I could see what it was like then.

Its also like daily life in the 70s which is cool and they go threw there problems. Also a little Romance here and there.

3. The Simpsons: The Simpsons is awesome partly cause ive watched it since I was 2. It is REALLY Funny and can be serious. There is also Romance too it.

4. Family Guy: The Reason is above.

My New Machinima

My new Machinima that is coming out is called Mod Rod. Its about 2 guys (Tyler and Austin) making there way around one of the most exciting games to play "Halo 3"

Tyler and Austin meet people like, Devon, Blackhawk, Zeaox and more. One of there goals to find all the Moders on Halo 3 and throw down the Ban hammer on them.

Devon and Zeaox are the 2 good Moders on Halo 3. They only use there mods for good. The other Moders are trying to think up a plan to over throw Bungie and make there own maps.

Anyways such Evil must be stopped and its up to Tyler, Austin, Devon and Zeaox to stop them.

E.Co. Studios

If your viewing this, then you probable know a lot about E.Co. Studios.