Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today, is a day.......a Holiday....and its.....E.CO. STUDIOS! E.Co. Studios randomly annouced today (Right now) that today would be E.Co. Studios day. 

This day is reserved so companys like Grunt Productions and others can't randomly say that today (THE SAME DAY AS OURS) is there Companys Holiday.

For Today we MIGHT release the first of 8 episodes for a new series. I can't say the name but it will remind you of the good old days.

Also were annoucing the other new series "The Life Of Darth Cye" the series is a remake of an old E.Co. Studios movie called "The Emperial Show meets Secret Agent Cye." thats the link to the old Movie. The other thing were doing on E.Co. Studio's Holiday is making a party date for August 9th as the E.Co. Studios Anniversary.

We will have a huge party as this is are first celebration for an E.Co. Studios Anninversary. Please do not take this date as your company's anniversary enless it ACCTUALLY IS.

Anyways happy E.Co. Studios day and i'm sure you can't wait for 1. The new series 2. The Life Of Darth Cye 3. A Darkened War.

Thanks for subscibing and watching fans,


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