Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Darkened War Update.

Well, I am moving into my other house cause Comcast screwed up my internet at the house that i'm at right now, my step-dad drives me up the walls, I can just stick my dog in the fenced in area where he can't get out then have to get chased by a Pycho Dash hound.

This house is peaceful and I don't have to hear a loud mouth step dad across the house and his LOUD tv.

My kittens are here where I can play with them any time I want. I'm home alone most of the time now due to my Moms job.

Things are looking up here at E.Co. Studios TM and I can't wait to get everything into the house. Also my room is SO comfortable.

I got my TV where I can record my shows and watch any movie I want accept the rated R one unforuntaly.

Anyways thats all for you and thank you to all the fans.

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