Monday, July 14, 2008

Update and other stuff.

Ok. I was trying to update in the last one but that was just a thing telling you to vote on the polls. Ok, this is about A Darkened War and other stuff.

A Darkened War is going well, but we have not started filming yet and we won't till September 10th.

Matt the vice president is excited to start work on the movie. Crash is Co-President now which is cool.

Anyways A Darkened War has a REALLY long script so it will be awhile before the filming ends. Then I might be getting a program so I can FINALLY do all the effects myself.

I hate asking people to do stuff for me I feel useless when I do that. I'm thinking of releasing A Darkened War on November 1st.

That way it will be released on the Anniversary of the series. Mod Rod might be cancelled do to the fact that we can't make the series.

My 360's disc reader broke so I can't play Halo 3. There is a secret video coming out soon I just have to film a little more then put voices in.

Then I gotta figure out why the heck this internet won't work on my computer. Then you will be shocked at what the secret video is.

Its not a vlog or anything. Its a movie but its kinda short. Well anyways in September on the 9th we will be filming all the scenes for the last and final:

Nachos The Movie 5: The End Of Our Adventure. It is the last one and the longest hopefully. It will be released on September 17th.

Also we have just started working on the remake of an old Movie called Avalanche. I know that sounds really retarded but its a funny movie.

It was one of the first movies I made using Master Mcgee so I hope you injoy it. Its going to be called Avalanche III.

Its acting as the sequel to the 2nd one and will hopefully be good. Anyways thats it one more thing though.

The Life Of Darth Cye will be released sometime in August. But those to "The Life Of Darth Cye" and "Avalanche III"

Will stop for a little bit due to A Darkened War then they will continue after A Darkened War. Thats all for now till next time.

Thanks to all the subscibers and fans,


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