Friday, July 18, 2008

A Darkened War Update

53 days from this date I will start filming! How do I know that, I use google. Ha! Ha! Well anyways when I get my HD camera..

the filming will start September 10th and it shall be awesome. How ever we might start on the 9th depends on if i'm partying or not.

There's a 135% chance I will be but just incase at the beginning we might. Also to add were not going to be making Avalache III or The Life Of Darth Cye till after A Darkened War.

Anyways, another thing is we on the 9th now that I remember were filming "Nachos The Movie 5" I don't know if you guys will like it.

But tell ya the truth I don't really care. Its a video that we made last August cause we wanted to do something Random and funny.

Like it, Hate it. Were going to make it.

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