Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Darkened War Update.

This might be the GREASTEST NEWS EVER! I went to Best Buy yesterday to show my Mom what I wanted for my Birthday.

So She thought it would be a good idea to look for any spiecial effects programs while were here. (Rewind) I hadn't gotten Adobe and I was about to till I relized....ITS LIKE 570$!

I thought that was riduclous and I was in a sad mood the day I learned that. Then yesterday while I was looking around and the spiecial effects programs a Best Buy employee asked me if I needed any help.

I asked him what the best Video effects program was here and he said this one program. I don't know but the program is written down at the top of my birthday list.

The thing was that I loved about the program was ITS ONLY 130$! So Thats what i'm asking for...and when I put stuff at the very top I normally get that thing at the top of the list so no worries.

They had also lowered the price of the HD Webcam from 100$ to 70$ which I find wierd. Anyways I guess thats all for now.

See ya,


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