Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Darkened War Update

Sorry, I have not updated lately. I just haven't really thought too. Well there's some cool news. A Darkened War's script and screenplay is almost complete.

I made a rough draft a long time ago and now i'm working on the completed one, the final draft. Um, so far from the actors view and my own.

Its pretty much a Horror/Action/Drama. There's parts that are really scary and intense. Its VERY bloody and gory.

I'd have to say just by estimating that this movie will be rated R. Thats what i'm thinking and its kinda wierd too.

I never thought I would go past the rating of PG-13 but I don't know it could be I still gotta get Krazyjones oppion.

The movie I can just tell you will be long. Like not boring, but its going to be like an hour or so. I know I said that for the last one but the script for A Shadowed War was 10 pages and the scipt and screen play for this is almost 30 pages and growing.

I don't keep the Screenplay and Script on 2 different projects. I keep them both together. Anyways I might become a YouTube Partner in the future.

They said my videos werent as good yet but that I had potential. So my goal is to get a WHOLE lot better and get better equipment.

I NOW HAVE A JOB! I get paid 40$ a week. I'm so happy, I will be using most of my money. No all my money for movies now.

So, I'm pretty happy and now with this job and the money i'm getting my movies will be getting a WHOLE lot better.

Thats all for now. Till next time,


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