Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hey everyone, I decided to do a update for this week. A Darkened War is going well the script has been finished and now were just waiting till September.

Meanwhile were coming out with a movie and a show:

Mod Rod


The Storm

Anyways those are in the making right now. The Script for Mod Rod is pretty much done for the intire series and The Storm is in the making, we just started the script.

I already told you what Mod Rod was about but I did'nt tell you what the Storm is about:

Its about a city called "The City Of Truth and Reconciliation" Its a city that the UNSC built in honor of the Master Chief.

One day in the city a large Storm hits, but not just there. All over the world this one storm hits causing Tornados and what not.

Anyways after the Storm these creatures appear outa no where and start attacking. A group of Civilians start a survival group and might make OR MIGHT NOT!

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